community notice board
a proud history of working with youth and their families
YPA’s Vision statement - To be the leaders in the provision of quality services and support to young people and their families through partnerships with the community we will promote an environment that embraces individuality, integrity and opportunity for a positive outcome.”
YPA’s Values statement - At Young People Ahead we value the importance of young people in shaping the future of our world, and we aim to empower, advocate, mentor and invest in their growth and life learning. With careful guidance and positive affirmations in all that they do positively, YPA hopes that every young person it supports will be enriched with the tools required to lead healthy, fulfilling and productive lives.

Young People Ahead, locally known as YPA, is a not for profit community organisation in the rural and remote region of Mount Isa. YPA has been in operation for over 30 years, and as such, has a long and proud history working with youth and their families in the region.
YPA is 100% funded by the Queensland Government, with some seed funding coming from the Federal Government. The organisation auspices 3 major services.